Breach of Contract Lawsuit Loans

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When two parties enter into a legal binding contract, they expect both sides to uphold their end of the agreed upon terms. However, disputes can arise if one party fails to do what they promised under the contract. This situation leads to a breach of contract lawsuit.

If you are the plaintiff (the party filing the lawsuit) in a breach of contract case, the legal process can drag on for months or even years. During this drawn out litigation, you may struggle financially from the damages and losses caused by the breach. The defendant who breached the contract may be a large company or organization with extensive resources to delay proceedings.

Our company, America Lawsuit Loans, provides critical funding to plaintiffs involved in breach of contract litigation. The lawsuit loans help you cover expenses and continue your daily life while pursuing compensation and justice through your case.

Breach Of Contract Settlement Loan Details

America Lawsuit Loans offers lawsuit funding based on the details and merits of your specific breach of contract case. We conduct an in-depth evaluation of your situation to determine loan eligibility and terms. The loans we provide are on a non-recourse basis, meaning you only repay the money if you win or settle your case.

The amount we can lend may be up to $100,000 depending on your case details and financial needs. Our interest rates are competitive and spelled out upfront in your loan agreement. We work with you to create a customized payment plan from your lawsuit proceeds. If your case is unsuccessful, you have no obligation to pay us back.

breach of contract lawsuit loans

Importantly, there are no upfront fees or monthly payments with our lawsuit loans. We do not get paid until and unless you win your breach of contract case. Our funding gives you financial assistance now while you wait for case resolution or settlement.

Plaintiff Qualifications For Contract Breach Lawsuit

To qualify for a lawsuit loan from America Lawsuit Loans, you must meet several eligibility criteria:

  • You need to be a plaintiff in an active breach of contract lawsuit. This means you are the party that was wronged when the defendant failed to uphold their end of your binding agreement.
  • Your breach of contract case must have an attorney representing you. We want to see you have proper legal guidance for your lawsuit.
  • Your case should show strong merits with supporting evidence. We will look at the contract terms, communications, and facts around the defendant’s breach to assess your likelihood of winning.
  • You must be experiencing financial hardship directly due to the contract breach. Our loans are designed to help plaintiffs who are struggling from losses and delays caused by the defendant.
  • You have to agree to our repayment terms which involve reimbursing us from the proceeds of your lawsuit. We will draft a contract stipulating these terms.
  • Your attorney must confirm your active lawsuit status directly with us. We will verify details of your case with your counsel.

If you meet these criteria, you are likely to qualify for a pre-settlement loan from our company. We fund plaintiffs involved in all types of breach of contract disputes – from employment and real estate contracts to business partnerships and commercial deals gone wrong.

Need Cash For Breach Of Contract Claim Apply Here Now!

Application Process For Settlement Loans Against Breach Of Contract Cases

Applying for a lawsuit loan from America Lawsuit Loans involves a few simple steps:

  1. Complete Our Application

The process starts with you filling out our online application or printing the form to complete. We will ask for background on your case including the contract details, parties involved, breach circumstances, current status, and damages. You will also provide information about your financial situation and need for immediate funding.

  1. Provide Case Documentation

In addition to the application, we ask you to supply copies of any relevant case documentation. This may include your contract, correspondence related to the breach, the complaint filed with the court, and any evidence or exhibits for your lawsuit. These documents help us value your claim.

  1. Attorney Confirmation

Your attorney plays an important role by verifying details about your active breach of contract lawsuit. We will follow up with your counsel directly to confirm you have filed the case and have appropriate legal representation.

  1. Review and Accept Loan Terms

If approved, we will provide the loan terms for your review. This will include the interest rate, repayment structure, and conditions associated with the funding. You can accept the terms and sign the loan contract electronically.

  1. Loan Approval and Funding

Finally, America Lawsuit Loans will do a last review of your application package and approved loan. Typically within 1 week of completing the process, we will deposit the funds directly into your bank account. The money can then be used to cover your expenses during the lawsuit.

Throughout the process, we maintain strict confidentiality. Our lawsuit loans help level the financial playing field against defendants trying to stall and outspend you in court. The extra funding provides you with greater negotiating leverage for fast case resolution.

Apply For Breach Of Contract Lawsuit Loans

Breach of contract lawsuits can be lengthy affairs that drain plaintiffs financially. America Lawsuit Loans offers critical funding support through pre-settlement loans. Our non-recourse lawsuit loans provide plaintiffs immediate financial assistance to cover expenses while they pursue compensation in court.

If you have been harmed by a contract breach and need help continuing your daily expenses, please contact us for a free case evaluation. Our experienced team will review your situation and determine if we can provide a lawsuit loan. With our funding, you can fight on more equal footing for the justice you deserve. Reach out today to learn more and get started with the fast application process.

Contact Us Now For Lawsuit Loan! Or Call 888-335-3537

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