Workers Compensation Lawsuit Loans

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You Pay Only If You Win

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Get Workers Compensation Lawsuit Loans And Settle Your Pending Expenses

In the US, the number of workplace accidents is very high. These accidents cause very serious trouble to workers and their families. With the negligent behavior of the companies and their substandard workstation, the workers have to bear the injuries and even loss of work and pay. Not only this, because of the dangerous workplace these accidents also take away the life of a worker, leading to a devastating environment for their family.

If you or anyone you know suffered injuries at work, you will understand how many challenges they bring. Ultimately any workplace injury will affect how you make your end meets. But with workers comp settlement you can now have the option to take legal action against the employer. These lawsuits can help you get fair compensation for the damages and injuries you suffered. And to go through legal channels you will need cash. We understand how hard it can be for a person who lost their job because of workplace injuries and waiting for settlement. To make things easy for the plaintiff we have worker compensation lawsuit loans.

What are Workers Compensation Lawsuit Loans?

Worker comp lawsuit loans or pre-settlement funding is a form of cash advance that we give to plaintiffs who suffered injuries and awaiting compensation from their worker comp settlement. Our cash advance can help you cover the necessary expenses while your case is still pending in court. You can use the lawsuit loans to pay for medical bills, attorney fees, rent payments, and even use the money to meet your daily needs.

Consider it as a form of financial tool that helps you pay for the expenses while you are out of work, in exchange you agree to repay the funds, once you win the settlement. Since worker comp settlement loan has a lot of advantages, many plaintiffs prefer to opt for it instead of traditional loans.

Workers Compensation Lawsuit Loans

Benefits of opting for lawsuit funding for your pending workers compensation settlement from our company:

Firstly, the time taken for approval for a worker comp settlement loan is much less in comparison to traditional funding. If your case is worthy enough for a cash advance, our company takes 24-48 hours to provide the cash.

The second biggest benefit and the most attractive is that we don’t ask for credit checks. As we understand people who have lost their jobs because of workplace injury, have already been in a lot of financial trouble. Since we are providing cash advances based on the strength of the case, the credit check makes no sense. The strength of your case will determine whether you will be eligible for a loan or not.

Non-recourse feature of a worker compensation lawsuit loan makes it the only risk-free borrowing method for the plaintiff. People who are taking the cash advance from us for their worker comp lawsuit, only need to repay if they win.  One more highlight of our worker comp cash advance is that we have the most competitive rates in the industry. Further, you can apply for $100,000 in cash advance to cover your expenses. But this amount can only be determined once we understand your case situation.

Our lawsuit loan company is here to make the process simple and hassle-free for the people who are already suffering. For this, we have a set of rules and eligibility criteria, which will make it easy for you to understand from the very beginning whether you can take a loan or not.

How To Get A Loan On Worker Comp Settlement?

To get a cash advance for your pending settlement, you need to fulfill workers comp lawsuit funding eligibility criteria. There are few basic requirements that you need to cover to become eligible for worker comp lawsuit funding, such as

  • You must have a pending workers compensation claim
  • An attorney must represent your case in court and work on a contingency basis
  • You are comfortable in sharing a percentage of your future settlement award.

Further, as we move forward with your worker comp application process, we will require a few more documents and support, such as

  • Police report of the injury
  • Medical records and bills
  • Your ongoing case details
  • Your attorney cooperation

How much can you get from worker comp lawsuit loans?

Every case type varies from each other, so there is no fixed amount on how much you can get from a lawsuit funding. Based on the strength of your case, and your expected future settlement award you can get anywhere between $500 to $1.5 million from America Lawsuit Loans. To know the exact loan amount you can get, you need to apply with us first. After analyzing your worker comp lawsuit, then only we can give you the exact amount for which you are eligible.

What Kind Of Workplace Accidents Can Get Worker Comp Lawsuit Loans?

A workplace accident is a very unfortunate event in which a worker gets injured because of the negligence of another person or machine or environment. These are unexpected and unintentional events that can lead to physical and traumatic injuries. Further, in some cases, these accidents can make the worker completely ill or unfit for work again or in some cases death.

You can get a worker comp settlement loan, if you have suffered injuries in a workplace accident for reasons like:

  • Unsafe working conditions
  • Lack of proper safety equipment and training
  • Human error and negligence
  • Malfunction of machinery or equipment
  • Exposure to harmful chemicals or environments

Some of the common examples of workplace accident cases that can get the cash advance are:

  • Slips, trips, and falls
  • Being struck by falling objects
  • Overexertion or repetitive strain injuries
  • Motor vehicle accidents (for jobs that involve driving)
  • Exposure to toxic chemicals or hazardous materials
  • Fires or explosions

How To Apply For Worker Comp Settlement Funding?

You can easily apply for a cash advance from America Lawsuit Loans. We are a decade-old company that is offering low-cost non-recourse lawsuit loans for worker comp settlement. Our application process is quick and simple. All you need to do is to fill out an online application form. Share some basic details like your name, your case details, and contact information. It is absolutely free to apply for a lawsuit loan with us without any obligation and fee.

Once you apply with us, our team of experts will analyze your case. Based on the merit of the case we will determine whether you are eligible for the asked amount. If you become eligible after the evaluation we will provide a contract with all the details of funding.

After you agree to the terms of funding and agree to share a portion of your future settlement award with us, we will transfer the money directly in your bank account.

Generally, it takes up to 48 hours to get the amount credited once you get final approval and after the signature of the paperwork. We are a hassle-free provider of worker comp lawsuit loans so that you can have less financial stress. In case you want to know more about the lawsuit funding in person you can give us a call at 888-335-3537.

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